殷鸿春老师及助教简介 Teaching team
1988年毕业于山东中医药大学中医系中医专业本科,出国前在青岛市中医医院工作,副主任医师。2001年来英国从事中医临床工作。擅长针灸与中药结合治疗各科疑难杂症。对舌象的研究多有心得,创立了现代舌诊诊疗体系。在全息舌诊领域有多项发现,如发现了完整的人体舌象全息对应图及头颈部腺体分布规律,获得了多项舌诊专利。创立了完整的舌与药对应体系,对舌与针的对应研究取得了阶段性成果。首倡现代舌诊指导下的十纲辨证体系,即在传统八纲辨证基础上增加气机升降两纲。首倡舌解伤寒论。开设并主讲现代舌诊培训课程。发表论文数十篇。出版英文版专著《Modern Tongue Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine 》、中文版专著《殷氏现代舌诊原理与图谱》和《殷氏辨舌用药心法》。目前是Streatham Chinese Clinic的主诊中医师。
Dr Hongchun Yin, graduated from Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1988 and was the Deputy Chief Physician in Qindao Hospital of TCM before he came to London opening his own clinic in 2001. Dr Yin is good at combining acupuncture and TCM herbs to treat various diseases. He is an expert in tongue study and created modern tongue diagnosis and treatment system. He has many discoveries and patents in the field of holographic tongue diagnostics, such as the discovery of a complete human tongue image holographic map and the distribution of glands in the head and neck. Based on the study in tongue diagnostics, Dr Yin created a systemic correspondence system between tongue and TCM herbs and phased achievements in the correspondence research of tongue and acupuncture. Dr Yin is the first TCM doctor advocating ten principle of syndrome differentiation under the guidance of modern tongue diagnostics, added the principles of ascending and descending to the traditional eight principle of syndrome differentiation. Dr Yin has been teaching modern tongue diagnostics courses to students all over the world. He has many publications, including two books: The English version [Modern Tongue Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine] was published by Amazon in July 2017; the Chinese version [Principles and Atlas of Yin’s Modern Tongue Diagnostics] and [Yin's Tongue Diagnosis based Herbal Methodology] were published by People’s Medical Publishing House. Currently the main doctor in Streatham Chinese Clinic.
Dr Yin is the president of the International Society of Modern Tongue Diagnostics, the dean of the International College of Modern Tongue Diagnostics, Distinguished clinical expert of traditional Chinese medicine of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,the director of the Academic Department of FTCMP, the member of the Pulse Professional Committee and the Hypertension Professional Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, as well as a member of the editorial board and an editor of [Journal of Chinese Medicine in the UK].
Email: [email protected]
孙云博士, 1993年毕业于山东中医学院首届少年班,1993年- 1999年先后获得硕士和博士学位,1999年- 2001年在山东省中医院心内科工作,期间兼任中医内科学教学工作。
2001年来英国从事中医临床工作, 2017年开始跟随殷鸿春老师学习现代舌诊。现任英国中医师协会学术理事, 国际现代舌诊学会秘书长, 山东中医药大学海外校友会副会长,世中联高血压病协会副会长,世中联抗病毒研究专委会副会长, 世中联神志疾病委员会理事。
Dr Sun Yun graduated from the first juvenile class of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1993. From 1993 to 1999, she studied for her master's degree and PhD degree in TCM. In 1999-2001, she was working in the Department of Cardiology of the Shandong Province TCM hospital, meanwhile teaching internal medicine.
Since 2001, Dr Sun has been engaged in the clinical work of traditional Chinese medicine in the UK. In 2017, she began to study from Yin. She is currently the academic director of the Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners (FTCMP), the Secretary-General of the International Society of Modern Tongue Diagnostics, the Vice President of the International Alumni Association of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Vice President of the TCM World Federation of Hypertension, the Vice present of TCM World Federation of Antivirus Research, and the director of the TCM World Federation of mental Diseases.
郑江 L.AC.1984年毕业于河北中医学院。1997年就读于北京中医学院师从针灸大家杨甲三教授。1990年初移居美国并获得美国纽约州、新墨西哥州和加州针灸委员会认证的针灸师和中医师执照,继续从事中医针灸工作。曾任教于河北中医学院、美国太平洋中医学院纽约和圣地亚哥校区、美国西南中医学院近二十年。跟随沈汉默氏飞龙脉法泰斗海默医生及飞龙资格认证老师学习飞龙和教授飞龙脉法,已被汉默医生授予飞龙老师资格,乃孟河医派脉法第五代传人,并负责大陆飞龙脉法的传播、认证和飞龙英文书籍的翻译工作。跟随现代舌诊创始人殷鸿春学习舌诊,并协助殷鸿春老师在唯真求实-现代舌诊病例分享微信群做助手工作。
Zheng, Jiang, L.AC. Dr. Zheng graduated from Hebei University of Chinese Medicine in 1984. In 1997, she became a graduate student of Master Yang, Jiasan at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. In early 1990, she immigrated to the United States and obtained the licenses of acupuncturist and Chinese medicine practitioner certified by the Acupuncture Boards of New York State, New Mexico State and California. She has taught for nearly twenty years at Hebei University of Chinese Medicine, the American Pacific College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in New York and San Diego campuses, and the American Southwestern College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Under the guidance of Dr. Leon Hammer, the master of Shen-Hammer Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis, Dr. Zheng learned and taught this method, and has been awarded the qualification of Shen-Hammer Teacher by Dr. Hammer, becoming the fifth-generation descendant of Menghe Medicine. Dr. Zheng is in charge of the dissemination and certification of Shen-Hammer medicine in mainland China, and related translation work. Dr. Zheng has been learning tongue diagnosis from Dr. Yin, Hongchun, the founder of Modern Tongue Diagnosis, and assists Dr. Yin as a teaching assistant in the study and case discussion groups.
Dr. Yani Lu Graduated from Shandong Medical University, and was trained in gastroenterology before she came to the US for her PhD in Preventive Medicine in the University of the Southern California. After that, she was working in the Department of Population Sciences at the City of Hope as an assistant professor for several years before she came back to practice medicine. She is currently board-certified Family Medicine physician and has her East-West Medicine clinic in California. Dr. Yin’s modern tongue diagnostics has helped her remarkably in helping patients with all kinds of health issues.
毛海燕,1985年就读于山东中医学院八五级少年班,1993年获中医专业本科学位,1996年获中医硕士学位,1999年获中医医学博士学位。自1999年-2005年在山东省中医药大学作为讲师担任中医教学工作,2005年来英国从事中医临床,2007年于Cardiff创建Dr Mao Acup&Herb诊所,获得当地及周边地区病人的信赖及一致好评。擅长针灸中药结合进行各种痛证、内科杂病、情志病证及妇科疾病等的治疗,2017年开始跟随殷鸿春老师学习殷氏现代舌诊及凭舌用药后,临床技能得到了极大的提升。
Dr Haiyan Mao started the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the age of 15. She received bachelor degree of TCM in 1993, master degree of TCM in 1996 and PhD of TCM in 1999.
She has been working as a lecturer in Shandong University of TCM from 1999-2005. Since 2005, has focused on clinical practice of TCM in UK and set up her own clinic Dr Mao Acup&Herb in Cardiff. Has gained a high reputation in local and surrounding areas.
She finished the training course of “Modern tongue diagnostics in Chinese Medicine” from Dr Hongchun Yin in 2017 and this has dramatically helped to improve her clinical skill. She is good at pain relief, internal miscellaneous diseases, emotional disorders, and gynaecological diseases with acupuncture, moxibustion and herbs.
She also has the titles of: Council Member of International Association of Modern Tongue diagnostics. Council Member of Speciality Committee of Hypertension of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. Council Member of Speciality Committee of anti-virus with TCM of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. Council member of the Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners.
Dr Lei Xing, medicine practitioner, graduated from Shandong Provincial School of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a major in Chinese medicine. After graduation, he worked in a local Chinese medicine hospital for one year and then traveled to Switzerland. He opened a Chinese medicine clinic in Switzerland. He has studied with many famous experts during his work and is good at acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, manipulative treatment of miscellaneous diseases in internal medicine and traumatology.
于清, 毕业于山东中医药大学,自1994年起于青岛市妇女儿童保健医院中医科工作,专注于儿童疾病及神经康复方面的疾病,擅长小儿推拿及头针治疗脑病。
Dr Yu Qing graduated from Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and started working in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Qingdao Women and Children's Hospital in 1994. She has focused on children's diseases and neurological rehabilitation, specializing in paediatrics massage and scalp acupuncture for the treatment of brain diseases.
Since 2002, she has been practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine in England. In her 25 years of practice, she has broad knowledge in acupuncture, participated in face-to-face guidance from many well-known experts and professors, and was diligent in thinking, integrating, and applying her knowledge in clinical practice. She localized traditional Chinese medicine health preservation by combining with Western dietary habits and exercise concepts, applying the traditional Chinese medicine concepts of "medicine and food sharing the same origin," "treating the disease before it occurs," and "unity of heaven and man" to the treatment and rehabilitation of difficult and chronic diseases.
She met Professor Yin Hongchun during her advanced studies at Qingdao Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2000, and has been following him ever since arriving in England, learning from him,particularly his clinical experience in modern tongue diagnosis. In 2019, she was appointed as the Secretary General of the International Modern Tongue Diagnosis Society, devoting herself to the research and development of modern tongue diagnosis, promoting remote diagnosis under the guidance of tongue diagnosis, and accurate medication and treatment.
Dr Chen Hua, graduated from Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a Ph.D. She has practiced medicine in the UK for more than 20 years, and is good at acupuncture and moxibustion to treat various pain syndromes, women's and children's diseases. After learning Yin's tongue diagnosis, the curative effect of using tongue to treat various difficult and miscellaneous diseases has been significantly improved.
Dr. Sylvia Qiaosha He, a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a licensed TCM practitioner in the United States. In her early years, she was admitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University, where she earned a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Power and Electronics Engineering, and later received a Master's degree in Business Administration from a business school. In middle age, driven by personal needs for health and disease treatment, she delved into the study of classical Chinese medical literature and learned acupuncture and clinical Chinese medicine from various famous teachers. In 2016, she founded the Runyuan Oriental Medicine Center in Houston, which has since developed into a highly regarded high-end clinic that specializes in treating various difficult and complicated diseases, including severe obesity, advanced age infertility, chronic pain that has been difficult to cure, and geriatric chronic diseases. She has also become a highly regarded TCM practitioner with a strong record of effectiveness. Through years of study under the guidance of Dr. Yin Hongchun, the founder of the Yin’s Modern Tongue Diagnostics, she now primarily uses tongue diagnosis in her clinical acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments. After tens of thousands of clinical applications, her treatment effectiveness is remarkable, and she has gained rich clinical experience in the properties of Chinese herbal medicine.
Dr. Junting Shu, graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University with a master degree in Computer Science. She had worked as an advisory software engineer in IT industry for 8 years. Later on she got her master degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from MCPHS University, and is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist both in Massachusetts and New Hampshire states. She love Chinese medicine deeply and likes classics. She is very good at combining acupuncture and herbal treatment together. In herbal treatment, she is good at integrating Dr Yin's modern tongue diagnostics with classic formulas, and has received remarkable effects in dealing with different kinds of health issues.
Dr Xiaomeng Ding, graduated from Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1992, now living in Canada, engaged in clinical treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, is a registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and acupuncturist in Ontario. She is good at combining acupuncture and Chinese medicine to regulate various sub-health states of the human body, and has unique skills in the treatment of pain and beauty. Since 2018, She has devoted herself to studying with Professor Hongchun Yin, the founder of Modern Tongue Diagnostics. The clinical efficacy has been significantly improved, especially in the treatment of difficult and miscellaneous diseases through tongue diagnosis.
张宏易, 2003年7月内蒙古医学院中蒙医系学习中医学专业并获学士学位。其后在内蒙古医学院中蒙医系附属中蒙医院康复科工作。2004.7-2005.6在山东省中医院进修学习, 期间跟随姜建国侍诊抄方。2006.6-2006.11在天津中医药大学附属医院针灸部进修学习醒脑开窍单元疗法治疗中风后遗症。2007年底来英工作。2016.11至今跟随中国竖横针刺法创始人钱德金先生深入学习中国竖横针刺法,对痛症与萎症的治疗有独特的心得体会。2017.8至今跟随殷氏现代舌诊创始人殷鸿春先生深入学习殷氏现代舌诊,凭舌治疗各种疑难杂症的疗效显著提高。
Dr Hongyi Zhang obtained a bachelor's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Chinese and Mongolian Medical Department of Inner Mongolia Medical College in 2003. After that, he worked in the Rehabilitation Department of the Chinese-Mongolia medicine Hospital Affiliated to the Department of Chinese-Mongolian Medicine, Inner Mongolia Medical College. From July 2004 to June 2005, he studied in Shandong Province TCM Hospital. During this period, he studied from Dr Jiang Jianguo. 2006.6-2006.11 In the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of the Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he studied Xingnao Kaiqiao therapy for the treatment of stroke sequelae. He came to work in UK at the end of 2007. Since November 2016, he started to learn from Dr. Qian Dejin, the founder of Chinese vertical and horizontal acupuncture, to study Chinese vertical and horizontal acupuncture in depth, and has a unique experience in the treatment of pain and Dystrophy. Since August 2017, he has been closely studying tongue diagnosis under the guidance of Dr Yin Hongchun, the founder of Yin's modern tongue diagnostics. The effectiveness of treating various difficult and complicated medical conditions has significantly improved throat tongue-based therapy.