目前有多种授课形式传授殷氏现代舌诊,主要有Zoom班及面授班。现代舌诊Zoom班,授课内容涵盖现代舌诊的主要内容,从现代舌诊原理到凭舌用药施针,涉及了各科临床常见病及疑难杂症。课时大约42 学时。 具体内容有现代舌诊独家全息图及解析;舌中线原理解析及十纲辨证详解;头面五官、头颈部腺体在舌上的呈现及常见病的治疗;三焦脏器在舌上的分布呈现及病例诊治;皮肤病、精神病、肿瘤、糖尿病、高尿酸血症及四肢关节疾病的舌象解析与常见病诊治;大小三焦、九宫格及六经在舌上的分区呈现与临床应用;临终舌象解析及凭舌用针与凭舌用药详解等。
Currently, we offer a variety of teaching methods, mainly through Zoom classes and face-to-face classes. The MTD Zoom class covers almost all the essential aspects of MTD, from the principles of MTD to the use of medicine and acupuncture based on the tongue, covering common clinical diseases and complicated diseases in various disciplines. The course consists of approximately 42 hours. The specific content includes the exclusive hologram and analysis of MTD; analysis of the tongue midline principle and detailed explanation of the ten principle syndrome differentiation system; the presentation of the facial features, head and neck glands on the tongue and the treatment of common diseases; the distribution of the triple burner organs on the tongue, and related common diseases; tongue image analysis and corresponding treatment of common diseases of skin diseases, mental illness, tumors, diabetes, hyperuricemia and limb joint diseases; presentation and clinical application of the large and small triple burners, Jiugong grid and six meridians on the tongue; analysis of tongue manifestations in end-of-life conditions and detailed explanations of acupuncture and medication based on tongue diagnosis.
The MTD advanced training classes focus on improving students' understanding of traditional Chinese medicine classics through tongue imaging, improving their ability and skills in syndrome differentiation, herbal tea prescription and acupuncture, and introduction to the latest tongue diagnosis content. The advanced classes that have been launched include [MTD and Fu Yang Medicine] in 2019, [Tongue Solution for Shang Han Lun] in 2021 (40 hours), [Tongue Solution for the Jin Kui Yao Lue] in 2023 (30 hours), and Tongue Solution for Febrile Diseases] in 2025 .